How Long Till Billionaires are Considered Gods?

Jeff Wild
2 min readSep 3, 2022

Humans are little more than bipedal lemmings.

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Rulers of old were regarded as gods-on-earth. They lived secluded in their castles, fed the healthiest foods, were attended by the finest physicians, and, as a result, significantly outlived their subjects.

As the cost of medical care exceeds the budget of the average citizen and as new breakthroughs emerge extending the life of those who can afford it, how long till the gap is so great as to appear to the average peasant as if the billionaires are gods on earth?

I wonder how many generations it’ll take for them to be referred to as kings and lords and pharaohs. How many generations will it take till we forget they were just lucky and ruthless, as were their progeny, nothing more than the fortunate recipients of a financial system that had no guard rails?

History shows us that human society inevitably devolves into a feudalist-like system. History shows that we humans are most comfortable obeying and revering those of greater fortune. Throughout history, we had monarchs and lesser royalty who lorded over the obedient masses. I have little faith that our past will not also become our future.

Less than a century ago, a ruthless dictator emerged in Germany. The populace saluted him and followed him without question…



Jeff Wild

An old freak looking for a way to survive in a world I no longer understand, but through my writing, pretend I do.