Jeff Wild
Aug 31, 2022


I too live in Florida, but recent business failure (and the political landscape) has me preparing to put my house on the market. I have no idea where I'll end up, which city, state, or even country. I'm a septuagenarian and will have difficulty acclimating to any place I land, especially a cold climate. Were I thirty years younger, I'd take my small equity and buy property for homesteading in the great lakes area, but financial, physical, and emotional realities limit my options. I'll likely just rent a small apartment locally and watch the end evolve for as long as I have time, or use it as a plateau while I explore possible destinations. I waver between desperation and resignation, with a measure of cognitive dissonance.



Jeff Wild

An old freak looking for a way to survive in a world I no longer understand, but through my writing, pretend I do.