Is Our Problem Mental Health or Guns

Let’s think this through

Jeff Wild
3 min readMay 31, 2022
Photo by Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia

After the horror of Uvalde last week, the sociopathic governor of Texas declared that the problem in America, the reason for all the gun violence, is one of mental health. I hate to say it, but he’s correct; America is dancing on the ridge of insanity.

· In a nation where one out of five children goes to bed hungry;

· Where 552,830 people are living on the street;

· Where worrying about being number 552,831 keeps parents up at night;

· Where sending a child to school is terrifying;

· Where shopping in public is risky;

· Where parents must decide between feeding their kids and paying the gluttonous price of prescriptions;

· Where rent continues to increase beyond reason;

· Where a doctor visit is a luxury and dental work an impossibility;

· Where debts continue to mount and never lessen;

· Where the wealthiest THREE American families have more wealth than the entire bottom fifty percent;

· Where the wealthiest five Americans more than doubled their wealth while the rest of us suffered through the pandemic;



Jeff Wild

An old freak looking for a way to survive in a world I no longer understand, but through my writing, pretend I do.