My Father Would’ve Loved FaceTime

And he would have hated what became of America

Jeff Wild
2 min readNov 1, 2022
Top Center, Mom, and Dad circa 1963

My father died in December 2001. He lived to see the towers fall, but not long enough to see the true disasters that we inflicted on ourselves.

My father was a member of Antifa. In those days, it was called the United States Navy. He enlisted during World War II to fight against a monster, one he knew all too well.

He was a German Jew who escaped at 13. But for three years prior, survived the horrors of the Nazis, some of which are documented in Sel Hubert’s Out of Broken Glass, where my father as a 10-year-old, is quoted, just prior to being beaten by his classmates at the behest of his Nazi-uniformed teacher.

My father was a gentle and forgiving man. For the last few decades of his life, he was employed by a German corporation and rose from repair man/delivery man to the rank of Vice President. He was beloved, and he loved.

For his 75th birthday, my siblings and I bought him a computer. It was some of the early days of the Internet, but he enjoyed email and the daily jokes he found in his inbox so much it gave him a second youth.

I have partial face blindness, but I can see his face so clearly even after all these years, As his firstborn son and a rebel, we were not close, and he…



Jeff Wild

An old freak looking for a way to survive in a world I no longer understand, but through my writing, pretend I do.